Jackie is a self-but-still-published author from Ontario, Canada. She is a tragically humble leader in the Early Childhood Education sector, a mental health professional with lived experience, a forever-but-not-currently-practicing doula, and a mother of two wildly emotionally aware children who likely enjoy too much screen time. She is a wife to her very logical, ever pragmatic, but still emotionally available dream guy.
Growing up in Southwestern Ontario, Jackie participated in high-school creative writing classes, wrote and shared poetry with friends, and journaled alone before dial-up internet. The pen was put down for several years until after having children. Re-ignited by the spoken word movement, she began writing again. Quietly. When Jackie became a doula, she used her blog as an outlet to share musings around parenting, the birth world, and being a woman. As her children grew, she shared her "brain stories" with them at bedtime. After considerable time navigating imposter syndrome, and said children being frustrated that their mother enjoyed changing the endings, Jackie began putting these stories slowly in type. The closer she got to age 40, the more she realized it was time to begin sharing her hobby as a writer. She wanted to start with sharing social stories based on questions asked by her own children. Her first published book "You Have a Friend in Foster Care," was created to explain the intricacies of the topic of fostering in a child friendly way, after her son asked several wildly emotionally intelligent questions about the subject while Jackie was working in children's mental health. Thus, the launch into authorhood. Today, Jackie lives in Elgin County, Ontario with her husband and family. She has the privilege of living in a multi-generational home where she cooks far too little, but loves and laughs in all the right amounts.